Building a
better future
with CO2
at source


Intelligent, cloud connected heating management solutions to drive down CO2 emissions and deliver savings


Optimising air conditioning systems to reduce their environmental impact without compromising comfort


Helping companies reduce the impact of their fleets on the environment and assisting in the transition to clean power

What drives us?

Sabien Technology Group is a company focussed on building a portfolio of solutions, in the heating, cooling and transportation sectors, that deliver immediate reductions in CO2 emissions coupled with a short to medium term return on investment.
We recognise that zero-emissions technology is ultimately what the world needs, but we are also realistic enough to know that they take time to assess, cost and implement. Legacy technologies will persist for some time, yet we still have a responsibility to do what we can to reduce carbon emissions and deliver immediate environmental benefit now.

Countdown to 2050

Sabien is making this happen by identifying and adopting technologies that can be rapidly deployed to optimise and enhance existing solutions in the heating, cooling and transportation sectors. We’re doing that already with our solutions for the commercial heating sector which can reduce energy consumption by 10-25% with a proportionate reduction in fossil fuel emissions and operational cost.

“The scale of investment in energy, sustainable energy and sustainable infrastructure needs to double. Every year, for the course of the next three decades, $3.5 trillion (£2.5 trillion) a year, for 30 years. It is an enormous investment opportunity.”

Mark Carney, former Governor of the Bank of England

We are now embarked on the second stage of our journey – to identify similar solutions that can be applied today, can produce similar positive impacts and can be further enhanced through the adoption of advanced technologies. Our primary interest is in developing solutions for those legacy technologies however, where we see opportunity, we will also invest in fundamentally new technologies with the potential to deliver significant future returns – for the environment and for our shareholders. 

CO2 reduction to date

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Sabien is building a portfolio of partners that can leverage cloud-based technologies and services to enable measurement, mitigation and migration. Measurement and mitigation of harmful CO2 emissions, followed by migration to alternatives and CO2 reduction-as-a-service. As we move towards the 2050 zero emissions target, the market for transition solutions is huge. Adoption will accelerate our progress to the target and  deliver significant returns; to the environment, to our customers and to our shareholders.

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    Sabien Technology Group PLC
    71-75 Shelton Street
    WC2H 9JQ

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    71-75 Shelton Street
    WC2H 9JQ

    +44 (0)20 7993 3700
    [email protected]

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