71-75 Shelton Street, London WC2H 9JQ

The Green Economics Debate

On November 11th 2021 Sabien hosted The Green Economics Debate, a virtual event comprising presentations from a number of companies with whom Sabien has either commenced cooperation or is in discussion for future collaborations. Participants included representatives from Sabien, Proton Technologies, City Oil Field, and Aeristech, together with others to be announced. Together, these participants represent leading-edge technologies all focused on the creation of value in an environmentally sustainable ecosystem.

Thematically, the presentations highlighted the benefits of collaboration as we drive towards a greener economy. As a guiding principle, Sabien is engaged on an aggregation strategy which seeks to combine innovative, “green” technologies and applications to provide solutions to everyday demands. In addition, the Company has identified a number of opportunities to create self-sustaining models where the inputs required for key technology are the waste outputs from others.

This Green Aggregation Strategy (“GAS”) aims to utilize the economies of scale and integration which the Company’s joined-up approach is intended to produce. A video recording of the event is available below.


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“The Board of Sabien believes that environmental sustainability will become the abiding economic driver for societies across the world. That this inflexion point is now nearer after the upheaval of the Pandemic can no longer be in doubt. It will become a reality if we think outside the box and combine previously stand-alone technologies in systems which are demand and solution led in this new paradigm. Sabien’s Green Aggregation Strategy is designed to produce a whole which is greater than the sum of its parts. We look forward to presenting this tangible concept with our partners on 11th November 2021.”

Richard Parris, Executive Chairman

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Sabien Technology Group PLC
71-75 Shelton Street


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