71-75 Shelton Street, London WC2H 9JQ


Sabien M2G Cloud Solution:
Estate wide / Worldwide visible savings and plant room analytics to maximise efficiency

Sabien Technology`s M2G Cloud delivers real time visible savings dashboard plus analytics for new and existing installations. Hyper encrypted GSM transmission removes security complexities associated with client’s LAN networks and directly address the 92% of non-electrical energy consumption attributed to Space heating and Hot water in commercial buildings and venues.


Visible savings wherever you are

With M2G Cloud visible savings underway, the opportunity now exists to review your current plant and control systems visibly and objectively. Identify and solve new, persistent or invisible issues once and for all and of course, implement and measure new efficiency initiatives to further reduce environmental impact and achieve your emission reduction targets.

Sabien can now identify and solve known, invisible or anticipated plant issues while delivering savings. We can identify, report and confirm solutions through analysis and partnership. The Energy Institute advises savings of up to 15% are available for implementing individual initiatives on the over 9 Million UK boilers that are classed as inefficient.

In the example shown below, of a live customer installation, the dashboard indicates the reduction in boiler firing and the consequent reduction in carbon emission and kWh consumption over a 24 hour period – a 16% indicated saving.

Take back control of efficiency

The opportunity now exists to review your current plant and control systems objectively. Identify and solve new or persistent issues once and for all and of course, implement and measure new efficiency initiatives to further reduce environmental impact and achieve your emission targets.

We highlight where your plant could increase efficiency, offer solutions with actions and partner you throughout implementation.

The big picture

M2G cloud-based acquisition data can also facilitate, via API, integration into your Energy Bureau / dashboard services for use for AI analytics.

Simply and visibly accelerate your plant efficiency.

Sabien M2G Cloud will deliver: energy savings, energy reporting and forensic plant analysis solutions to directly address and accelerate the delivery of your carbon reduction commitments for all your stakeholders.


A window into boiler
operation and efficiency

  • M2G Cloud savings dashboard
  • Identification of efficiency opportunities
  • Boiler plant operation status and control
  • Boiler/s Firing Status
  • Confirm control and scheduled settings
  • Boiler cycling firing periods
  • Thermodynamic response
  • Boiler temperatures / set points and reactions
  • Boiler temperature set point differentials
  • BMS boiler plant strategy validation
  • Boiler sequencing performance
  • Identification of boiler standing losses
  • Burner modulation performance
  • Heat transfer rates
  • Operational building load performance
  • Boiler hydraulics – flow rates
  • Boiler sequencing select lead boiler performance
  • Boiler faults – lockouts indications
  • Confirmation of boiler “part load” operation
  • Boiler hydraulics performance

“M2G is a key component…

“…in the group’s energy efficiency strategy and the installation of M2G units throughout our UK fleet of buildings played a major role in helping the bank deliver on its commitment to reducing its energy consumption and harmful carbon emissions.”

Graham Jennings

Group Energy Manager
Royal Bank of Scotland

Our location

71-75 Shelton Street

+44 (0)20 7993 3700
[email protected]

For international partners & distributors please see the contact page