71-75 Shelton Street, London WC2H 9JQ


Defra (Department for Environment, Foods, and Rural Affairs) is a UK Government Department with properties all over the UK.

“We became aware that savings were possible on our boiler plant, over and above those achieved by the existing controls, and considered a number of options,” recalled Mark Hoult, Carbon and Energy Efficiency Manager with DEFRA. “Sabien’s M2G units appeared to offer the best solution so we initiated a pilot across two sites to investigate their efficacy further,” he continued.

The pilots were conducted at the York and Worcester sites and delivered an average saving of 11% with payback in 32 weeks. Annual CO2 emissions were reduced by 440 tonnes a year.
“We were very pleased with the way the pilot was managed, the results it yielded and the savings that have been achieved,” said Mark Hoult. “We were also very impressed that Sabien charges a reasonable and consistent price for the M2G, irrespective of the financial savings we will achieve,” he added.


Our location

71-75 Shelton Street

+44 (0)20 7993 3700
[email protected]

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