71-75 Shelton Street, London WC2H 9JQ

Jones Lang LaSalle

Jones Lang LaSalle is a financial and professional services firm specialising in real estate services and investment management. With more than 30,000 people in 750 locations in 60 countries.

Payback in just 21 weeks

Installation of Sabien Technology’s M2G intelligent boiler load optimisers at two offices, on behalf of managing agents Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL), has resulted in significant energy and carbon emissions savings with a return on investment of just 21 weeks. As a result, JLL is now recommending use of the M2G at the other sites and clients’ estates it manages.

Mark Bottriell, Jones Lang LaSalle’s Portfolio Energy Manager for Europe, Middle East and Africa, commented: “The energy savings that the M2G can deliver have been fully validated so we now have complete confidence in recommending it to our customers.”

Working closely with JLL’s maintenance contractor, Sabien installed M2G at two sites in Swindon and Basingstoke belonging to a global mobile phone manufacturer. Both buildings were already operating building management systems (BMS) but these were not controlling the dry cycling of the boilers caused by standing heat losses from the system.

“The BMS at the site in Swindon is very sophisticated and it would have been technically possible to have a special program written to control the dry cycling, but it was more time-effective to use an off-the-shelf product, which has potential to integrate fully with existing BMS, particularly when contemplating new programming requirements,” Mark Bottriell observed. “In contrast, the site in Basingstoke, the BMS was simpler and, in fact, even with already well-optimised boiler sequencing, achieving even further savings with this system is very impressive,” he added.

CO2 reduced by 96 tonnes per annum

In both cases, the M2G units achieved a 6% reduction in gas consumption, saving around £21,500 pa and reducing CO2 emissions by 96 tonnes pa, the return on investment was just 21 weeks. However, as these measurements were taken during the coldest period for over 20 years, when the energy wastage through dry cycling would have been at a minimum, it’s likely these savings will be even greater.

Indeed, the potential for major savings was shown at another site managed by JLL, the Palm Terrace in California, where M2G units reduced gas consumption for space heating and hot water by 22%.

Another key element in the success of the project was the project management, undertaken by Sabien working closely with JLL and JLL’s maintenance contractor.

“Sabien responded quickly once we got the go-ahead for the pilot from the client and proved to be very flexible in accommodating our requirements. We will now be working in partnership with Sabien and our maintenance contractor as we look to try and roll out M2G across other candidate sites,” Mark Bottriell concluded.

M2G is listed on the Carbon Trust’s Energy Technology List and is approved for London’s Green500 initiative.

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71-75 Shelton Street

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